On some resemblances between the nature of the Diary and the nature of the Grades


It can be said that each Grade cherishes a specific relationship with the Diary, that there is a special thread that binds the Diary with a certain Grade, and that this thread has a different nature on each occasion. Writing a Diary has such unique, sublime boredom that is independent of our own will. Sometimes it can occur, sometimes not, sometimes months can pass or even years of zealous writing, but then simply come to a halt which cannot be overcome by even thousands of insights and advancements in the Grade until the thing moves by itself. Sometimes this pause in writing is only a consequence of certain processes that are induced by the Grade itself; sometimes it is a new temptation that needs to be assimilated. Each Grade possesses mechanisms which can be manifested in every Aspirant, although it cannot be said with certainty for whom, and to what extent.

Each Diary is an aspect of Mercury, in both its lower and higher forms, and such forms advance as the Aspirant advances, whether it is the manifestation of Hod or Chokmah. The Diary of the Probationer is almost always under the influence of Hod, and his closeness with the Neophyte is irresistibly attracted by Binah. Precisely in that way, each of his entries in the Diary brings him unavoidably closer to his Tiphareth. Some resemblances between the nature of the Diary and the nature of the Grade should be mildly pointed out, so that the Aspirant should think about such relations which he will examine in more detail with his careful analysis.

Each Grade possesses some level of boredom for writing, but it is particularly expressed in the Grade of the Probationer and Practicus. Probationer’s glumness becomes Practicus’s boredom; the nature of both extremes here is almost identical and equally devastating to the progress of both Grades. A Neophyte should especially pay attention to the records of dreams and astral experiences and there is no need to wait for an ideal moment to write a dream, but it should immediately be followed by awakening. More than a clear experience in the morning even at noon will become far and pale. The Neophyte must be open to the deepest sexual fantasies; his analytical mind must prevail over the raw energies of the vampire, which for the Neophyte could have a unique, cataclysmic role. Observations regarding physical health and illnesses could be very valuable, which the Practicus will later derive from the darkness of coincidence, giving them a deeper meaning. The Zelator should not bypass the recording of all of his boundaries, whether they are physical or spiritual in nature. It is also important that he notes all the insights about the work of alchemy, regardless of how shallow or childlike they may look. Similar to the Neophyte, the Practicus should also carefully record astral experiences, but this time he must pay attention to what is reflected in his mind during sleep or astral journey. He must analyze with his sharp mind the nature of all these reflections and see what idea is in their root. The Practicus must also pay special attention for all the earlier memories he can suddenly and unexpectedly receive along the Grade. Illumination of childhood is a crucial lever in his work. The Philosophus analyses in detail all the objects of his desire, he makes an exclusive list of all the things that cause him to be ecstatic and empowered, and he sees the connection of this with earlier memories, which he wrote as a Practicus. He must not be nostalgically attached to old records. Adeptus Minor crowns all this with success. Yes indeed, he crowns all this with certain success.

Frater 273∴

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